In case of any problem / query related to online fee payment, parents can contact at : +91 9425163445, 07622-240812, 240741
Click on tab Pay Online Fee available on the school website’s Home Page - http://jpvdavps.ac.in/
Click on PAY ONLINE NOW tab available at the bottom of the instructions.
To login use Admission Number of your ward as User Id and DOB as your password ( ddmmyyyy).
Select the Month you want to pay.
Students fee details will be displayed.
Before Click on PAY NOW button Please check all the details of the student.
Select the desired option for fee payment i.e. Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking etc.
After processing Fee Receipt will be generated.
Logout the account from the link available on top right of the screen.
For your Kind Attention! :
Please ensure your card limit before processing the online payment.
If the transaction has FAILED for some reasons, you are REQUESTED TO WAIT for the next THREE DAYS before trying again.
Please contact the accounts department of the School for any discrepancies of your online payment.
The details provided by you shall be utilized only for the purpose of receiving your payments to the School. All data shall be kept secured and shall not be divulged to anyone or utilized for any purpose.
Cancellation/Refund Policy :-
Cancellation option is not available.
In case of duplicate payment, the end user can approach the accounts department for a refund by providing the proof of the transaction/ your bank statement.
Note : *Please check the fee description carefully before payment, incase you make payment and do not get the receipt due to net connectivity, kindly wait for 24 hours for automatically Re-generation of receipt.
